Tuesday 27 August 2013

Hello and welcome to Cook, Shoot, Eat, A home for food porn photgraphy and recipes:

Background to the blog

The idea for this blog came to me in a flash, I had just cooked a rather wicked looking and devilishly tasty Keema Curry, but my wife was out of town and I had no one to share the experience with. Solution post the pics of the meal on Facebook so my wife could at least enjoy the visual aspect of the meal (and reassure her I was eating like a grown up) This was then expanded to include a few people on my facebook friends list into a group, so others I know with the hobbies of cooking,photography and eating could all be combined and shared by like minded foodyphilenographers (is that even a word?...it is now) You will have to excuse my piss poor wordsmithery as I am not much of a writer, but hopefully a slightly better cook and photographer, and as for my web coding skills, this is all new to me so hopefully I can improve the look and feel of this blog as I go along, Learning by doing never fails to improve ones skill set I feel.